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Bacon. Just saying the word brings a smile to your face, right? Thinking about the smoky, sweet smell wafting through your kitchen or favorite diner is about as delicious as it gets. Until you take that first bite, of course. And then your tastebuds are consumed with the crispy, savory, can’t-put-it-down flavor that makes this irresistible meat candy so darn popular.

So, quick question: once you’ve broiled or baked or sauteed your slices of Hempler’s bacon, what are you doing with it? While snapping and crackling your way through one slice after another, just as is, is a perfectly acceptable answer to the question, we’re here to push you to make even more great culinary decisions. So, here are three ways we recommend eating bacon right now.


Spicy Candied Bacon

We recently sent some of our favorite bacon to our friend Ed (@sargentworks on Instagram) to play around with in the kitchen. Ever the culinarian, one of his coolest experiments was to make a brown sugar candied bacon with chile flakes. He suggests adding it to a burger or BLT, which sounds like great advice. We’re imagining tucking it into a Bloody Mary, serving it for brunch, or making an amazing egg sandwich with a sweet and spicy kick. Get the recipe here.


Bacon Egg Cups


Breakfast is a challenge, even for the most organized among us. But whether you’re going for a carb-free solution or want to make fancy brunch bites, Hempler’s Bacon Egg Cups are a treat. To make them, spray the divots of a muffin tin (pick one with roomy holes) with cooking oil, then wrap bacon around the bottom and sides of each hole. We like to add some leaves of spinach and grated cheese. For a heartier preparation, you can even add blanched slices of yukon potatoes to the mix. Break an egg on top of the veggies and cheese, making sure to keep all the whites inside the cup if you can. Bake in the oven until whites are set and bacon is cooked. Let cool a little before popping them out.


BKS: Bacon Kale Squash Sandwiches!

When it isn’t tomato season, it really isn’t tomato season, if you know what we mean. While the juicy orbs will be back in season in no time, there is still plenty of winter squash to be had, and we aim to make the most of it. At McMinnville, Oregon restaurant Community Plate, they make a super popular BLS: Bacon Lettuce Squash sandwich. Using an acorn, butternut, or kuri squash, slice into large slabs, about 2 centimeters thick. Roast slabs with olive oil and whatever spices you like (try cinnamon, turmeric, clove, and cayenne for warming flavors that will bring out the sweetness of bacon). Slather your favorite bread with mayo, then top with warm, roasted-through squash slices, plenty of Hempler’s bacon, and the greens of your choice. Massaging dino kale with lemon, salt, and avocado is an especially delicious way to complete this creative sandwich.


What do you love to do with Hempler’s bacon? Check back soon for more great recipes for you to try using our award-winning bacon.